Product Description
Product description
When you want to have a highly sensual and pleasurable sex, then going in for Beboy Avant-Garde Super dotted condom with strawberry flavor can be the best bet. The condom is special in many ways. The dots in these condoms are more pronounced and can be felt more compared to other dotted condoms available in the market. The dots are soft, pronounced and rigid, which can make her shiver in pleasure when it rubs against her soft vaginal tissues during the love making. You can expect a highly sensational sex with this condom. The strawberry flavor can make your session all the more exciting and lovable as she would love to hold on to your organ for a longer time compared to other variants. Available in 12’s pack, this condom is ideal for a short romantic outing or for your honeymoon. Use it once and she will make you but it regularly. The variant could easily become your favourite. Beboy Avant-Grade Strawberry Flavoured Super Dotted Condoms – Product Info Colour & Lubrication: Transparent and Lubricated Flavour: Strawberry Scent: NA Texture: Super Dotted, Ribbed and Bulged around the head Depth of Super Dots: 0.4 to 0.45mm Vs 0.25 to 0.30mm of regular dots Thickness: Width of regular condom is 1mm and for super dotted, it is 1.5-2mm Shape: Contoured (anatomically shaped like penis) & Teat ended Condom Size: Length 180 mm (min) | Width: 53 ±2 mm