A diaper is what baby wear before they are potty trained. It’s a white cloth in which some liquid absorbent chemicals or gels are filled inside the cloth. This gels soak the urine whenever the babies urine pass. This disposable allow the wearer to urinate and to defecate without using the toilet.
Diapers is used by new born babies, toddlers, infants who have not yet potty trained.
Picking up the right diaper is such a complex decisions and it is so challenging with just so many brands are available in the market. each one says that they are offering the best.
To know that which one diaper is the best diaper available in the market are-
See, in market there are a large number of diapers available but the questions is which one is the best. If you ever gone to the indian village you may have probably seen that the mothers used cotton cloth which is in triangular shape. In local language villagers used call it (langot). langot is an local language word and also indian ancestors used to call it. Whereas in metropolitan cities mothers use disposable diapers which comes in many brands such as pampers, mamy poko pants, huggies etc.
Both type of diapers have their own advantages and disadvantages.
By- Rajat Gangwar (industryOwlteam)