A menstrual cup is a type of reusable feminine hygiene product. It’s small in size, round shaped and funnel type shaped it had. It is made up of soft and biodegradable silicon which can you insert into your vagina to collect Menstrual fluid.
A menstrual cups can hold more blood than any others methods. It can be used, instead of tampons and pads, it is an eco-friendly cups. It depends on your flow, you can wear a cup for up to 12 hours.
Most women used sanitary napkin and sanitary pad during their periods but with these pads they come with their own set of problems they are uncomfortable. the main cause are rashes and if you are an active person it can give you restricted movement while serving or running. Did you know that most of the pads available in the market are not biodegradable and they act as an environmental burden.
There are also a few disposable menstrual cups on the market. Keep reading to learn more about how to insert and remove a menstrual cup, how to clean it, and more.
How to use a menstrual cup
Small cap is usually for teenagers girls who just started on their puberty. the earlier you start with the cup, the better it is for you to adopt.
So lets have a look at what is a menstrual cup and how to choose the right one. We start by choosing the correct size for menstrual cups. Menstrual cups are usually available in three sizes starting from small, medium and large.
The medium size is usually for young women who have not yet delivered a baby and the large one is for those women who have delivered a baby. lets now see how the cup is used. This cup instead of absorbing blood like pads it collects the menstrual blood. you start by taking the cup in your hand and putting it in a specific fold so you can either go for the C-fold. You can old the cup in many different ways but most of the women fined C-fold to be more comfortable than the other one.
so you start by holding their cup in a C-fold position, introduced it to the vaginal opening and push it just a little bit as high as your fingers can allow. Then you can gently pull out your finger from the vagina and the cop will automatically pop open on its own in the vagina this cop comes with the tail which helps you in pulling it out after 10 to 12 hours.
If you are a heavy bleeders you may want to take the cup out after 6 to 8 hours. otherwise most of the time they just need to pull out the cup after 12 hours.you don’t have to change the cup every time that makes a reusable for up to 10 years.
After taking out the cup you just need to throw the blood and wash it with water and reintroduces it. or you can boil the water along with the menstrual cup.

Another way is to sterilize the cup besides boiling it is to use a sterilizer.
This sterilizer comes with an cap, the cap has markings for the amount of water you need to collect. so you need to just collect 5 ml of water as per the mark put it in the pit over their hold your cup upside down put it over the water pit. Put the cap on, you just need to plug in the sterilizer and just need to switch it on after about 3 to 4 minutes the steam from the water will sterilize the cup. and your cup is ready to be re-used or to be stored in the bag most of the cup comes with jute bags. So now you know, how to use the cup and hoe to sterilize the cup. Now you can think that there is less risk of having infections.
By- Rajat Gangwar (industryOwlteam)