What is a vaporizer
Vaporizer is a device which is very useful to fulfill many purposes. It comes totally in 5 parts. One is the bottle where water is filled in it and the 2nd one which has a wire is used as a cap. Which heats the water and convert the water into vapor/steam. The rest of three parts has their own uses.
Vaporizer is made up of hard plastic and it sustains for years if used properly. It is very affordable in price and it can easily be found on online market as well as on offline market.
How vaporizer works?
So, how it work? Put some tap water on the bottle where number has already marked in mL, fill the bottle according to your use. Put the cap on it and put the plug in the switch and turned on the button. Process of converting water into vapour has started, after sometime the steam can easily be seen. As it will come out from the hole which is on the cap.
You can use this steam for many purposes.
Uses of vaporizer

Vaporizer is very useful for cleaning cough, bad throats and chest pain when cold has catch you. It is also very effective for beauticians work as it comes with three parts and all three parts have their own role. We have talked about them in details in the next paragraph.
As we have told you the uses of the 1st two parts now is the time to discussing about the next three parts.
3rd part
Which look like this.

This parts is especially used when cold has catch you. When you take steam with the use of this parts, the steams will clear you nasal dryness and throats. And it will provide you the instant relief. Put some water in the bottle and a tablet of vicks or other tablet which uses as to treat nasal dryness. And turned on the switch. The steam will come out along with the chemicals of tablet which you have dissolved in it. And it will clear your nose and help you to breathe in home.
4th part
Which look like this.

This is usually used for face. This parts could be very useful for those who suffers from blackheads and pimples problems. After filling the water in the bottle simply put this parts on the cap and it will fit in it. Put your face on this and let the steam to clear the blackheads of your face.
5th part
Which look like this.

This parts could be uses when you are massaging your face with face massage cream. Here also put the water on the bottle and fit this part on the bottle cap. When steam starts to come out take the bottle come close to to your face and let the steam to touch your face. After sometime when you have use the steam massage your face with hands and wash your face. You will see tremendous change on your face.
Many brands make Vaporizers and it comes in a variety of color. You can easily buy this products on https://industryowl.co.in/
By- Rajat Gangwar (industryOwlteam)