What is immunity?
Our body has a powerful army that protects us from various type of threats. This threats come in the form of mechanical injuries, the entry of germs, or the entry of other form of particle like dust. This personal army is called the immune system.
Everyday, we encounter a huge number of bacteria, viruses and other disease causing organisms. However, we don’t fall ill everyday. Which is due to our immune system which have an army of cells that is always roaming to our body, ready to fight off any attack.
How could covid-19 affects your immune system

When the virus that causes covid-19 enters the body, the immune system springs into action. It fights the virus with inflammation and other defensive strategies. Within days, the immune system develops the antibody that bind to the virus.
With covid-19, sometimes the immune system is too slow to make antibodies or make antibodies that don’t work. Sometimes, the immune system can’t make antibodies at all. The virus replicates rapidly. Unable to deploys antibodies, the immune system responds with more inflammation. High inflammation damages blood vessels. Fluid leaks into the lungs. Respiratory system are potentially fatal.
So, how could we protect ourselves?
There are several things to concern for your immune system. You can make you immune system strong by keeping
- Adequate hydration
Water is one of the key for strengthen your immune system. It is very essential for cleaning the kidneys and removing the toxins from your body. To having an adequate amount of water is keep your immune system strong.
- Sufficient sleeping
It is very important to take 6-8 hours sleep a days. A good sleeping ensures your body to function properly. Your body and brain need rest to do work with efficiency.
- Regular exercise
Physical activity is a must to keep your body fit and active. Doing physical activity like playing sports or by doing yoga could help the immune system to be strong.
- Diet and immune system
A complete and balanced diet is a good ways to strengthen your immune system.
A strong immune system may provide protection against seasonal illness and other health problems. Your diet must include fruits, vegetables and cereals as they are rich in fibre and vitamins.
- Taking supplements
Taking supplements is another ways to strengthen your immune system. There are many supplements available in the market like Dabur immunity kit which contains several supplements like
- Dabur chyawanprash
- Giloy tablet
- Giloy churna
- Imudab
- Honitus
- Stresscom
For order dabur immunity kit click at www.industryowl.co.in
By- Rajat Gangwar (industryOwlteam)