As we know that in many states of India, winters start from September and last till March and April, as we suffer so many types of problems like back pain, headache, stomach cramps, brackaches & back pain and more. so, for overcoming this problem you can use hot water bags. hot water bags will soothe your pain and it will give you relief in any kind of pains. Hot water bags are usually made up of latex and fabrics material.
Types of hot water bags & which one to use-
See, hot water bags are mainly available in two types-
1.Latex hot water bags-
It is commonly used and you can purchase easily direct from the offline market or from online(like industryowl) this types of bags are made up of latex and it is cheap in price.
for using this bag you have to boil the water at comfortable temperature. After boiling the water screw the stopper from the top of the bag and fill the bag with boiled water and use it according to your need. But be careful when using this bag, check that the stopper should be screw tight. So that the warm water cannot come out from the bag and can’t damage your body. You can check kalor hot water bag at www.industryowl.co.in
2.Electric hot water bags–
This type of hot water bags can be purchased from offline market and from ecommerce website like(industryowl). this electric bag can be at higher prices as comparison to the normal bags because this bags come with an advance technology like, you don’t have to fill the bag again and again with water, in this bag water is already present inside the bag.
You just have to plug the wire in the bag and it will automatically heat the water which is present inside the bag and then you can use this bag with ease. This bag manufactured with the high quality fabrics which is soft & comfortable, eco-friendly. It comes with an extra layer of high quality fabric which cover your hand also.
Now the question is which one is to buy & use-

see, both the water bags can be use as per your need and both can give you relief but the difference is in prices. as the latex hot water bag comes with an cheap price and the electric hot water bags is at higher prices but the electric bag can be used frequently and it is eco-friendly. If you buy the latex water bags you have to boil the water and fill the bag again and again. But in the electric one you just have to plug the wire into the bag and it will automatically heat the water and warm the bag. so, now I think you can decided that which one you have to buy.
By- Rajat Gangwar (industryOwlteam)